Let’s Make Memories in March Cochrane!!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This week, let’s start making new memories!  Whether you are supporting our community health, trying something new in the backcountry or taking some time to personally slow down, let’s support our local businesses as we celebrate the following holidays:

March –  National Pharmacy Appreciation Month featuring Two Pharmacy & Natural Market!  Two Pharmacy wants to help support more roots and grow a stronger more diverse community. Through their Community Roots program, they commit to donating 1% of sales through the till each month to a local organization or fundraiser!  Let’s celebrate with them starting March 1!

March 4 –  National Backcountry Ski Day featuring Great White North Guides!  On this day, make some new memories when you try the fasting growing sport in the outdoor industry with the help of our local guides connecting you to the remote mountains of western Canada!

March 5 – World Book Day featuring Found Books!

Each week, we will be adding to the celebration! We hope you will join us in our weekly celebrations and stop by the local businesses to show your support!!

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