The Pack is your Family


Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary

Always aware, instincts heightened.

The pack is your family.

You are playful and devoted to the others.

You are a protector…highly intelligent.

You snuggle, you show affection.

You howl, you cry.

The domestic side loves the attention but the wild still calls.

You have returned to a natural space.

Here you are safe.

Visit them year round!

Visit the Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary and meet the wolfdog packs. Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary currently has 34 permanent wolfdogs, 10 of which being ambassador wolfdogs. The wolfdog ambassadors are the wolfdogs that take front and center stage at events and sanctuary interactions, to help educate the public about the importance of wolf conservation. General Admission, Intro and Interactive Tours at

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