Unforgettable Melody at the Sanctuary

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Standing quietly in the Sanctuary, you are often greeted with an unforgettable melody.  It is the chorus howls of the 9 Packs singing in unison at multiple pitches.  The Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary is a non-profit organization that promotes responsible wolfdog ownership by providing a variety of educational programs. They also touch on the importance of preserving wolves in the wild!

Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary offers a variety of tours to the public. The purpose of the tours is to educate the public on wolfdogs and raise awareness regarding wolf conservation. All proceeds from the tours directly fund the sanctuary and its continued rescue efforts.  Available tours:

  1. For an intimate encounter, the Interactive Tour brings you up close and personal with the ambassador wolfdogs.
  2. The Intro Tour introduces you to the Engadine Pack to witness pack life of three siblings.
  3. The General Admission allows visitors to see the sanctuary and view our various packs of wolfdogs at your own pace. This is a great opportunity to learn interesting facts about wolves and wolfdogs and support the sanctuary.

Every visit to the Sanctuary is different, with 29 wolfdogs roaming through their large natural enclosures and the passionate staff sharing lessons learned about wolfdogs and wolf conservation.  A must-see attraction just west of Cochrane….an experience you will never forget.



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